My Journey

I became interested in programming after graduating from high school, but limited internet access in my area made it difficult for me to delve deeper into the field. Therefore, in 2018, I decided to pursue a bachelor's degree in computer science at a private university in South Kalimantan.

During my studies, I became involved in web development and created my first simple website (Indsharezone) on a blogging platform. I grew more fond of this field and joined a student organization on campus to create a website using the CodeIgniter framework, which was my first complex website project.

In 2020, I got my first paid project as a freelance web developer to develop a website for a village government. Since then, I have been actively accepting website development projects while learning various new skills, including Laravel, NodeJS, MySQL, Python, Go-lang, and Docker. I also briefly learned about Android app development.

In my journey, I transitioned from being a full-stack web developer to focusing more on backend development. In 2021, I created a website (Ruang Developer) that contains information, tips, and tricks about technology and application development, and I have a grand vision for this website.

In 2022, I began my professional career as a backend engineer at an IT company in Indonesia, where I still work today. I continue to learn and pursue my vision, as well as write blogs as part of my journey.